香水~~Fragrance ; Parfum Spray
身體噴霧~~Body Spray ; Body Splash

身體保養~~Body Care
身體霜~~Body Cream
身體乳霜(油)~~Body Butter
身體保濕乳液~~Body Moisturing Lotion
身體乳液~~Body Lotion
沐浴凝膠~~Shower Gel
沐浴按摩油~~Bath and Massage Oil
沐浴乳~~Body Wash
泡泡浴凝膠~~Bouncing Bubbles
身體去角質霜~~Body Scrub

護手霜(乳液)~~Hand Cream ; Hand Lotion
洗手乳~~Hand Cleanser

面膜~~Face Mask
深度白淨面膜~~Intensive Whitening Mask

腿部保養~~ Foot Care
腿部去角質霜~~Foot Scrub
腿霜~~Foot Cream
美化腳指甲護理~~Pretty Pedicure
腳指甲挫刀~~Foot File
腳後跟龜裂護理~~Cracked Heel Treatment

皮膚保養~~Skin Care
溫和洗面乳(皂)~~Gentle Cleansing Lotion ; Gentle Cleansing Foam ; Gentle Cleansing soap
溫和洗面霜~~Gentle Cleansing Cream
按摩霜~~Massage Cream
100%無油性眼部卸妝油~~100% Oil-free Eye Makeup Remover
溫和眼部卸妝(油/液/乳)~~Gentle Eye Makeup Remover
快速眼唇卸妝(油/液/乳)~~Instant Eye and Lip Makeup Remover

美白化妝水~~Clear Lotion
明亮白皙化妝水~~Ultra-brightening Whitening Lotion
煥采化妝水~~Refreshing Lotion
抗皺霜~~Anti-Wrinkle Cream
換膚霜~~Recoup Recovery Cream
抗老潤膚(霜 / 凝膠 / 乳液)~~Anti-aging Moisturizer
活化眼霜~~Activate Eye Cream
肌膚活力精華(霜 / 凝膠 / 乳液)~~Activate Skin Builder
明亮潤膚凝膠~~ Brightening Moisturizing Gel
明亮潤膚乳液~~ Brightening Moisturizing Emulsion
T字部位平衡凝膠~~T-Zone Balancing Gel
賦活眼(霜 / 凝膠 / 乳液)~~Eye Revitalizer
眼部清柔抗腫脹 / 黑眼圈(霜 / 凝膠 / 乳液)~~Eye Soother Anti-puffiness / dark circles

頭髮護理~~Hair Care
光澤洗髮精~~Glossing Shampoo
光澤潤髮乳~~Glossing Conditioner
捲髮用洗髮精~~Curls Shampoo
捲髮用潤髮乳~~Curls Conditioner
滋養洗髮精(乾性/受損髮質適用)~~Nourishing Shampoo for dry/damaged hair
光澤洗髮精(正常髮質適用)~~Shine Shampoo for formal
均衡洗髮精(正常髮質適用)~~Balancing Shampoo for formal
專業用洗髮精~~Technician Shampoo
專業用潤髮乳~~Technician Conditioner
專業用護色髮膜~~Technician Color Care Mask

造型產品~~Styling Products
造型亮澤霜~~Style Glossing Cream
造型捲髮噴霧~~Curls Wave Creating Spray
加強捲度造型膠~~Curl Enhancing Gel

梳子~~Hair Brush ; Comb

日曬防護~~Sun Protection
防曬乳~~Sun Block ; Sunscreen Lotion
防曬噴霧~~Sunscreen Spray


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